How to answer 'Why' questions

Before I had kids, I planned on being the perfect parent. I was going to read to my kids every night, make them home cooked meals, and I would answer all their questions honestly, and scientifically.

Yeah, none of that has happened.

Observe the following discussion I had with my 5 yr old:

Wes: Mom, what's that?
Me: A grasshopper?
Wes:  Why?
Me: .... Um, why is it a grasshopper?
Wes:  Yeah
Me: Well,  because somebody named that species of insect a grasshopper.
Wes: Why?
Me:.... Um,  because someone saw it hopping in the grass, so they decided to call it a grasshopper.
Wes: Oh ... [pause]...  if it's hopping on the sidewalk, is it still a grasshopper?
Me: ...Yes...
Wes: Why?
Me:  I don't know, go ask your father!

I did what I swore I would never do, I punted on a question.

*Sigh*  It's not the only time this has happened. 
I was prepared for scientific questions like, "Why is the sky blue?" or, "Why is the grass green?" I wasn't prepared for the philosophical questions like, "Why is it called blue? or "Why are there 24 hours in a day?" After discussions with some older, and wiser moms, I came up with a plan.

I built a repertoire of response strategies
[The scholarly approach]                     "Hmmm,  Good question. Google it and see what comes up"
[Distract with a new topic]                   "Look! a blue car" 
[The silly approach]                              "Because calling it a red dancer would be silly" 
[Creative and critical thinking]              "I don't know, why do you think it's called..."

Wish me luck for next time!
If you've got another strategy that you'd like to share, or a funny example of the questions your kids ask.  Please share in the comments so that we can all learn and laugh.

-Heather Douglas

Giving Credit where Credit is due:
Photo of Grasshopper by Tudsaput Eusawas from Pexels